Friday, January 28, 2011


Quite a lot of Baseball players are superstitious (stereotype) and follow a vigorous routine before they begin playing; spitting, scratching, chewing, other unnatural and disgusting habits (and the occasional practice swing). 

The other day, I settled myself down in front of my computer, preparing to start writing.  My WIP was up on my screen, I had ideas of where I wanted to take it, I was fearless, my hands were poised.  Then...nothing.  It didn't feel right.  Maybe I was just lazy?  Instead, I flipped over to my Windows Media Player and watched two episodes of Gilmore Girls.

Do you have a necessary environment for successful writing; the correct lighting, room, beverage, music?  I have my best results in a local coffee shop, with a vente Chai Tea Latte (cliche?  Coffee makes my tummy hurt) and a scone.  I think this is mostly because there are less shiny distractions.  There's also something about sitting in a coffee shop while working on a story.  It makes me feel busy and productive, like I could take over the world with my pen (Or at least successfully ask the cute guy sitting next to me what makes his coffee smell so fair shiny!).



  1. I usually have either coffee, tea, or water next to me when I write. Also, I like having the door closed.

  2. I love writing in coffee shops. I think I feel accountable to the other people in coffee shops. Like they will know if I spend my time checking not writing plus I like the activity and the people watching factor.

  3. I used to create routines for myself, but the more I write the more I find that I don't really need them. They were helpful in establishing the routine of writing, but now I scribble notes anywhere and sometimes I just sit down at the computer and start typing away without doing anything to "set the stage".

    Though, after a while I'll probably get up and arm myself with a hot drink.

    When I start finding excuses not to write, it's usually because I'm just not in the mood or I'm a bit stuck.

  4. I'm good to write almost anywhere...just need some kind of liquid (chai latte anyone?) and some sugar...namely twizzlers.

  5. Nah, I don't need an "environment." I just need to be in the right frame of mind.
    Some Guys Are Toads

  6. I have to check all my emails, facebook, blog, and a few websites before I can write. It's a major time-sucking ritual. Bad.

  7. I’m definitely more productive in my office. I need near total silence (near because I like classical music playing softly-nothing with words), and my quaint little office designed totally by me (the room was bare before I got to it) offers this. I also like to burn incense and I do like the lights low. I cannot write anywhere but my office. I have all the necessities including my outlines, notes, reference books, etc all handy right there and to travel would just give me a headache as I tried to anticipate out what I might need during my writing time. I get distracted by noise and activity, so it’s best for me to stay away from coffee houses, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like my caffeine! Every morning I head to the local ‘quickie mart’ for a fountain soda (Diet Dr. Pepper with a shot of vanilla) and then I get to work!

    BTW, totally a Gilmore Girls fan myself, so I cannot blame you at all for giving into the allure of the mother-daughter super duo! ;-)

  8. Definitely know what you mean by feeling more productive when you're working/writing outside or in a coffee shop! And when I'm at home, my attention span is just cut a lot shorter.
